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Publishing Your Work

Once your data is analysed, you can write up and publish your work. Consider the following advice to publish inclusively:






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Report the demographics/animal characteristics/sample identity of your study in detail. Discuss the benefits and limitations of these and the ideal study population that would make your research truly inclusive and generalisable. 



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If applicable, reflect on the identities of the researchers and how this may have influenced the work.

For an excellent example of this, see 'Research characteristics and reflexivity' section from “Crazy person is crazy person. It doesn’t differentiate”: an exploration into Somali views of mental health and access to healthcare in an established UK Somali community (Linney et al)



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Remember all that wide and varied reading you did to form your hypothesis? Make sure your publication similarly reflects  a diverse background literature. Be conscious of the identities of the people you cite and be as inclusive and representative as possible.    



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Give credit where credit is due and be inclusive when determining authorship. Be transparant and report what each author contributed and give appropriate acknowledgement to additional individuals who guided the work.


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Publish your research in Open Access journals. This helps to create a more equitable and reproducible research culture. Similarly, consider releasing your research dataset.

See also: An Introduction to Open Access and Turing Way Guide to Open Research



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Consider the journal where you publish your research. Do your principles and ethics align? 



Further reading:

Best Practice Guidelines on Publication Ethics: a Publisher's Perspective (Graf et al)

Abstract Texture
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